One of the very best things about being a photographer has nothing to do with taking pictures. It’s getting to spend however many hours with some really cool people. I have ::knock on wood:: only met the most awesome couples and families since putting myself out there for hire. It must be the referral snow-ball effect: cool people beget cool people beget cool people. I cannot tell you how lucky I am that my snowball got launched by some very fun folks and has only gotten bigger and better from there.
Among the first new people I got to meet were Rachel and Jeremy and their seven-month old son Lucas.
With the little guys, I can’t stress enough to parents/clients just how important it is for us to go with the flow. Sure, its my job to air-traffic-control the chaos as much as possible into the best light or a flattering pose, but for the most part, due both to my own style and practical realities, I just follow where the moment leads and capture the images that end up there. This is where my first paragraph comes in — you see, little man Lucas was just getting over an eye infection and just getting a cold, so it wasn’t his best day (though, by the cute-factor present, you’d never know). So when he conked out in his stroller before we were quite ready to call it a day, what did we do on a beautiful summer day? We three adults took a stroll for some fro-yo and just hung out for a bit. I also availed myself of the opportunity to conduct a mini-session with their black lab, Buddy.
And here are just a few more from our afternoon:
I so enjoyed the opportunity to get o know R. and J. a bit more and can’t express how much I appreciated their relaxed and go-with-the-flow attitude. It really does make all the difference in the world. Frozen yogurt, cool parents, a cute baby and dog on a warm July afternoon? As Ina would say, how bad can that be?